Wildlife and Other Photos

Little tern. Photo by Breffni Martin

Claenup 2024. Photo by Aine Walshe

Clean up 2024. Photo by Aine Walshe

End of season Baltray. Photo by Aine Walshe

Aine - RTE. Photo by Matthew Byrne

Bronagh. Photo by Matthew Byrne

cormorants baltray. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Dominic - RTE. Photo by Matthew Byrne

Hare Baltray. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Kestrel Baltray. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Little tern adults and fledglings. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Nina - RTE. Photo by Matthew Byrne

Ringed plover Baltray. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Skylark - baltray. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Enclosure with trap for ringing. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Little tern enclosure. Photo by Nina Rogerson

little tern enclosure. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Little tern enclosure. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Releasing little tern adult after ringing. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Ringing adult little tern. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Ringing adult little tern. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Ringing little tern. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Ringing little tern chick. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Ringing operations. Photo by Nina Rogerson

begging chick. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Bronagh gloves. Photo by Nina Rogerson

chick and egg. Photo by Nina Rogerson

feeding. Photo by Nina Rogerson

fledgling. Photo by Nina Rogerson

N51 nest. Photo by Nina Rogerson

nest shells. Photo by Nina Rogerson

ringed plover chick. Photo by Nina Rogerson

Common blue - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Meadow pipit - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Reed bunting - caterpillars. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Amélie Boué - Warden 2015.

Amélie Boué - Warden 2015 - ringing a chick.

Greater yellowlegs and ruff - Dundalk docks. Photo by Brendan Connolly

Mixed waders Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

red deer. Photo by Brendan Connolly

Small waders Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Silver-washed Fritillary - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Stonechat flycatching. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Wren briars baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Buzzard in the saltmarsh. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Caterpillar - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Fieldfare. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Hooded crows chasing a buzzard. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Wigeon male washing. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Five spot burnets mating with cocoon in foreground. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Five-spot burnet on ragworth Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Sanderlings - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Cuckoo - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Rabbit Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Skylark (golden). Photo by Maurice Conaghy

little tern nest- Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

oystercatcher chick - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Wood mouse - Baltray. Photo by Maurice Conaghy

Blackbird - female. Photo by Brendan Connolly

Dunlin. Photo by Brendan Connolly

Red squirrel. Photo by Brendan Connolly

Sparrowhawk. Photo by Brendan Connolly

Little tern knit. Photo by Aine Walshe

Scholars Volunteer dinner.

Volunteers Dinner Scholars 2022.

Kestrel falcon. Photo by Breffni Martin

Song thrush. Photo by Breffni Martin

Little tern fending off great black back.